Making Every Good Count

NTUC FairPrice helps consumers weather downturn with extension of five percent housebrand discount

Published on
29 October 2008

NTUC FairPrice is extending its 5 percent discount on 500 essential housebrand items till end March 2009 as consumers gear up to weather the economic downturn. This move comes after the announcement that Singapore is now in a technical recession, while inflation continues to be high. With this five-month extension, the scheme will help consumers save about $7.5 million in grocery bills since it was launched in December 2007.

Group Chief Executive Officer of NTUC FairPrice Mr Tan Kian Chew said, “The objective of the five percent housebrand discount scheme was to help our customers cope with rising costs. Based on customer feedback, we are glad that the scheme has served its purpose. Recent studies have shown that with the economic downturn, shoppers are tightening their belts by eating in more often. Recognising this demand, we decided to extend our discount scheme for essential food items to make sure that essential goods will remain available to consumers at affordable costs”.

NTUC FairPrice housebrand items are generally priced at least 10 percent cheaper than comparable national brands. With the extension of the 5 percent discount, consumers can save at least 15 percent on 500 essential housebrand items. Popular housebrand items include FairPrice fragrant rice, cooking oil, UHT and fresh milk, instant noodles, bread and canned food.

NTUC FairPrice introduced the 5 percent discount scheme in December last year as part of the Stretch the Dollar programme. Initially due to end in February 2008, the scheme was extended three times with the last slated to end on 31 October 2008.

Apart from the five percent housebrand discount scheme, FairPrice also helps the community to cope with rising costs through the FairPrice Food Voucher Scheme. In July this year, NTUC FairPrice Foundation donated $1.5 million worth of food vouchers to help needy families. FairPrice Foundation also donated $3.5 million to NTUC in August this year to help low wage union workers manage their cost of living.


Customer Case Studies – Consumers who have benefited from the FairPrice housebrand discount scheme

Madam Josephine d/o Anthony

Odd job workers do not have fixed incomes. So it is with Madam Josephine d/o Anthony, who sells healthcare products for a living. In a good month, she brings home $500. The young widow, 35, has a 14-year-old son and a 9-year-old daughter. In a month, Josephine spends about $90 on grocery shopping at the FairPrice supermarket at Yishun MRT station.

“The FairPrice housebrand products are the lowest priced against national brands on the shelves. The 5 per cent discount that has been offered on FairPrice housebrand products really gives me savings. Lately, food costs have been rising, but at NTUC FairPrice, I’m able to get all essential items at low prices,” she said.

Mr Goh Kim Joo

Mr Goh Kim Joo, 63, is a regular housebrand user whose family appreciates the quality and value of FairPrice housebrands. The semi-retired teacher, who lives with his wife and son, shared that using housebrands has helped him to save on his grocery spending.

He said: “I have been buying FairPrice housebrand products, especially the full cream milk, soya milk and wholemeal bread as I found that the quality is even better than some of the more expensive brands. FairPrice housebrands are good value for money, and they help manage household expenditure especially in this current economically challenging climate. With this discount, I will be able to save even more on my grocery bills.”

Madam Suparti Bte Sukari

Madam Suparti Bte Sukari, 63, prefers FairPrice housebrands as she feels they are value for money. Her monthly grocery bills come up to about $600 as she shops for her sister’s household as well as her own family. The homemaker lives with her son.

“I buy FairPrice housebrand products like beehoon, rice, oil, condensed milk, and diapers for my grandson. As they are cheaper, they can help me to save a lot. I try to do my shopping on Tuesdays as there is a 2 per cent Senior Citizen discount. Now with the 5 per cent discount, I can save even more. This is good news for housewives like me,” she said.

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