The North East Community Development Council (CDC) and NTUC FairPrice Foundation will be launching the “Wish Upon A Silver Star” fund-raising project on Friday 30 August 2013, at Tampines Primary School.
“North East CDC – NTUC FairPrice Foundation Wish Upon A Silver Star” seeks to benefit some 200 needy elderly residents living in the North East district, by raising funds to provide them with essential household items which they might have a lack of. North East CDC’s Care Teams, which are made up of volunteer befrienders from the grassroots across the district, will collate a wish-list of household items from these needy seniors during their home visits. The items can then be collected from NTUC FairPrice and distributed to the beneficiaries at the end of the project period.
The fund-raising, to be held over a period of two months, will be a community effort: Schools, Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs), community organisations and residents will be invited to make origami stars in support of the project, where every 10 stars folded will garner $1 in sponsorship. The initiative targets to collect one million stars to raise $100,000 towards buying household items for needy elderly.
Senior Minister of State for Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs, Mr Masagos Zulkifli, who is also Vice-Chairman of North East CDC, and Adviser to Tampines Grassroots Organisations, will officiate at the launch as the Guest-of-Honour. He said: “Even as Singapore progresses, there are still some who need help to keep up and make ends meet. But we take heart that there are many initiatives and organisations, such as North East CDC and NTUC FairPrice Foundation, working together with our grassroots organisations to assist the underprivileged in our midst. Many companies from the private sector are also increasing their Corporate Social Responsibility efforts by giving back to the society. All this goes to show that caring for the community is a joint effort by the different stakeholders that make up our country.”
Mr. Lum Hon Fye, General Manager, NTUC FairPrice Foundation said, “In line with NTUC FairPrice Foundation’s strategic thrust to help the poor and needy, we are privileged to be able to extend our helping hand to this inaugural North East CDC – NTUC FairPrice Foundation “Wish Upon a Silver Star” project that reaches out to needy residents in the NE district. In addition to North East CDC, FairPrice Foundation also currently works with South East CDC and Central Singapore CDC to build a caring and inclusive society. Through this initiative, we hope to engage the public, our customers, business partners and our staff to join us in this meaningful cause of folding origami stars to raise funds for lower-income individuals.”
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