Making Every Good Count

Boys’ Brigade Share-A-Gift project 62% away from target

Published on
13 December 2010

The Boys’ Brigade Share-a-Gift (BBSG) project has so far received donations for about 38% of what is required this year to bring festive cheers to the project’s 28,439 beneficiaries. With nearly a week to go before the project comes to a close, BBSG is making a last round of appeal to Singaporeans to care and share to help make Christmas a brighter one for the less fortunate in our community.

Specifically, the project is lacking in powdered energy drinks like Milo, and halal canned food. Members of the public who wish to donate can drop their gifts at any of the project’s 14 gift boxes at various FairPrice outlets across the island. Those who want a more convenient platform can purchase their donations from

Ms Angela Soo, Deputy Director, Corporate Communications, NTUC FairPrice, said, “FairPrice has been partners with the Boys’ Brigade for 10 years, in support of this meaningful programme. In 2008, we initiated the Boys’ Brigade Share-A-Gift Online Donation Drive, to provide the public with a more convenient platform to make donations. The public can use our online store to purchase and donate hampers to the cause and FairPrice will bear all the delivery charges for this. Together with the Boys’ Brigade, we appeal to the public to support this initiative and bring a smile to these families.”

Update on delivery of food hampers to beneficiaries

Last Saturday’s (11th December 2010) second day of Car Delivery saw a total of 120 cars volunteering at the F1 Pit Building. These cars delivered packed food hampers to a total of about 750 households last Saturday. In addition to the 110 cars who volunteered on 4th December 2010, a total of 1,250 houses have already received their food hampers. BBSG aims to deliver packed food hampers to 20,006 beneficiaries of which about 5,214 are residing at individual homes. The rest will receive their food hampers through voluntary welfare organizations with whom they are registered.

The project continues to call out for individual cars to help volunteer to make these deliveries. Members of the public can sign up through 1800 227 4273 (1800-BBSHARE).

For more information, the public can contact:

BBSG hotline at 1800 227 4273 (1800-BBSHARE) or visit the website at


About The Boys’ Brigade Share-a-Gift

The BBSG is a national community service project organized annually by The Boys’ Brigade, and is strongly supported by the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports (MCYS). This project is:

  • A high profile national community service project that promotes the spirit of caring and sharing among Singaporeans during Christmas season.
  • A significant annual event, which mobilizes more than 3,500 BB officers and Boys, and hundreds of other volunteers to collect gifts from thousands of Singaporeans for distribution to the needy in Singapore.
  • A unique project, as donors have to go beyond purely financial giving. They would be challenged to make the extra effort to buy presents for the less privileged in our society

The project’s theme: “Have a Heart, Share a Gift” clearly summaries the project’s purposes. Since the launch of BBSG in 1988, the objectives of the project are:

  • Bring cheer to the less fortunate in Singapore during the Christmas season (by collecting gifts for the less fortunate).
  • Inculcate the spirit of community service among members of The Boys’ Brigade
  • Promote the spirit of caring and sharing among Singaporeans.

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