Singapore, 5 August 2009 – In the spirit of reaching out to the community this National Day, and as part of its National Day Celebrations, NTUC FairPrice is proud to be partnering Alfestco Pte Ltd to engage drivers in a first-of-its-kind drive-through fundraising concept at all Cheers and FairPrice Xpress petrolmarts across Singapore, in aid of Children-At-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE). The project, which runs from this Friday, 7 August 2009 to Sunday, 9 August 2009, is to raise funds for youth-at-risk in Singapore.
“As a social enterprise committed to helping the community, we are proud to support CARE in their noble work to help at-risk youth. We hope that drivers will join NTUC FairPrice in donating to CARE to help empower and change the lives for these youth and the community,” said Mr Seah Kian Peng, FairPrice Managing Director (Group Business).
These car flags that have been individually assembled by local low-income or no-income housewives will be sold at all NTUC Cheers and FairPrice Xpress petrolmarts. Priced at S$5 each, part of the proceeds will go to CARE for the welfare of youth-at-risk in the community. Drivers simply have to drop their donations into the designated charity box provided by CARE to contribute to this cause.
“As organizer for this notable cause, we are proud to be partnering NTUC FairPrice, which is not only a household name Singaporeans have come to trust over the years, but also an organisation that has long been committed to various philanthropic efforts,” said Lee Han Pin, co-founder of Alfestco, who has five car flags on his Coffeebear van. “We hope Singaporeans will fly the Singapore flag on their cars and not be shy in showing our love for Singapore. It is great fun, strangers will give you a heartwarming smile and you will feel very happy to be a Singaporean.
About Children At-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE Singapore)
Children-At-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE Singapore) is a non-profit, voluntary welfare organisation, member of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and registered charity with an Institution of Public Character (IPC) status.
The organisation was formed in 1997 by a group of concerned professionals who recognise that “It is far easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”. CARE’s approach is upstream preventive and we work with schools to reach out to youths at risk of academic failure, who display behaviour problems, emotional maladjustment, suicidal tendencies and juvenile delinquency. Our specialty is in helping vulnerable youths turn their lives around. Every child can succeed, and by being there for those who need a little more support, we can help change their future.
In the words of President S R Nathan, participation in CARE’s work “is an investment that will reap handsome and long-term rewards by way of actualized potential and overall social stability.”
About Alfestco
Alfestco aims to be the most heart-warming creator and seller of Festival Gifts. Being the most heart-warming means our gifts will bring laughter and joy to the people who make them, sell them and buy them. Alfestco believes in self reliance before doing good, and aims to create a financially regenerative business system that channels at least 25% of project profits back into every society that they operate in. We aim to have a representation in every major city of the world, and to be a profitable company with the resources, heart and soul to help the societies that we operate in.
The founding team at Alfestco previously ran the “Little Christmas Hat Project” in 2008, which raised $30,204 for Singhealth Foundation’s CURE causes. The “National Car Flag Project” in 2009 is Alfestco’s second national level project.
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