Making Every Good Count

NTUC FairPrice and FairPrice Foundation makes its largest contribution to sport with S$5 million to the 28th SEA Games

Published on
24 June 2014

SINGAPORE, 24 June 2014 – NTUC FairPrice (FairPrice) and FairPrice Foundation has pledged S$5 million to the 28th SEA Games in support of the region’s most prestigious multi-sport event. Come 2015, it will be Singapore’s turn to host the biennial Games and this will be NTUC FairPrice and FairPrice Foundation’s largest contribution to sport yet. The 28th SEA Games is one of the SG50’s key events in celebration of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee.

The cheque was presented at FairPrice Xtra at Nex Mall this afternoon by Mr Ng Ser Miang, Chairman of NTUC FairPrice and FairPrice Foundation to Mr Richard Seow, Chairman of the 28th SEA Games Sponsorship and Marketing Advisory Sub-Committee, and witnessed by Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth; Second Minister for Communications and Information, and Chairman, Steering Committee, Singapore Southeast Asian Games Organising Committee (SINGSOC). The sponsorship will include S$2 million cash from FairPrice Foundation and S$3 million value in kind from NTUC FairPrice.

Mr Ng Ser Miang, Chairman of NTUC FairPrice and FairPrice Foundation, said, “This is the largest donation FairPrice and FairPrice Foundation have made to a sporting event to date. We are excited to be able to contribute to the 28th SEA Games, which will be held at the newly constructed Singapore Sports Hub, and to witness our athletes excel on their home ground. This is also in line with FairPrice Foundation’s goal to promote nation-building and community bonding through sports.”

“We are glad to see NTUC FairPrice and FairPrice Foundation – Singapore’s largest retailer, come onboard as our tier one sponsor to partner us in delivering the Games to the people. This is an ideal partnership for SINGSOC as NTUC FairPrice has a strong relationship with the community,” said Mr Richard Seow, Chairman of the 28th SEA Games Sponsorship and Marketing Advisory Sub-Committee. Expressing his delight with the overall support for the Games from corporations, Mr Seow said, “We are very encouraged by Corporate Singapore’s support so far and most importantly, their belief and recognition of the value of sport and leveraging on it to enhance the reach of their brands. Companies in Singapore are stepping forward to play a meaningful role at the Games.”

As part of FairPrice Foundation’s aim to create a better life for the community, the Foundation supports major activities and social community projects that cater to Singaporeans at large, to foster closer relationships among the community.

FairPrice supports sport initiatives as it recognises the value that sport has in bonding people of different backgrounds; serving as a powerful platform to nurture social harmony and contribute to nation building. 

Some highlights of FairPrice and FairPrice Foundation’s contributions towards local sport include:

  • Donation of over S$500,000 for the Asian Youth Games 2009
  • Contribution of S$150,000 for sports scholarships for Singapore’s Youth Olympic Games’ medallists in 2010
  • Partnership with Singapore Sports Council (now known as Sport Singapore) to launch a national well-wishing campaign in FairPrice outlets for Team Singapore participating in the 26th Southeast Asian Games and the 6th ASEAN Para Games in 2011

Beyond sport, FairPrice Foundation has been consistently contributing to the community, especially low-income families. This year alone, the Foundation donated:

  • S$1 million to the Ministry of Social and Family Development’s (MSF) ComCare Long Term Assistance Scheme to help beneficiaries who are permanently unable to work due to old age, illness or disability. 
  • S$100,000 to the Loving Heart Multi Service Centre in Jurong to provide breakfast for students from low-income families.

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